Capitolio, Christopher Anderso

Capitolio, Christopher Anderso

Capitolio, de Christopher Anderson. Capitolio is a cinematic journey through the shadows of Caracas. The word Capitolio refers to the domed building that houses a government. In this book, Caracas itself becomes a metaphorical Capitolio. In place of walls, we have decaying modernist architecture built with petro dollars.

Capitolio, Christopher Anderso - Livres Grands Photographes

Capitolio, de Christopher Anderson. Capitolio is a cinematic journey through the shadows of Caracas. The word Capitolio refers to the domed building that houses a government. In this book, Caracas itself becomes a metaphorical Capitolio. In place of walls, we have decaying modernist architecture built with petro dollars.

Capitolio, Christopher Anderso



Capitolio, de Christopher Anderson

Capitolio est un voyage cinématographique à travers les ténèbres de Caracas, au Venezuela, pendant la "révolution". Dans la tradition de New York de William Kelin et de The Americans de Robert Frank, le photographe Magnum Christopher Anderson crée un portrait émouvant d’une époque et d’un lieu qui se déchire jusqu’aux coutures. Plutôt qu’une (…)

Capitolio, Christopher Anderso

Livres Grands Photographes

Beaux Livres Photos

Hommage à l’Inde

Hommage à l'Inde

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La photo sous-marine

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