In Memory of Himself, Christer Stromholm in the eyes of his beholders de Christer Stromholm

In Memory of Himself, Christer Stromholm in the eyes of his beholders de Christer Stromholm

In Memory of Himself, Christer Stromholm in the eyes of his beholders de Christer Stromholm

In Memory of Himself, Christer Stromholm in the eyes of his beholders de Christer Stromholm - Livres de Photographie & Monographie

In Memory of Himself, Christer Stromholm in the eyes of his beholders de Christer Stromholm

In Memory of Himself, Christer Stromholm in the eyes of his beholders de Christer Stromholm

In Memory of Himself, Christer Stromholm in the eyes of his beholders

In Memory of Himself, Christer Stromholm in the eyes of his beholders

In Memory of Himself, Christer Stromholm in the eyes of his beholders, de Christer Stromholm

Books such as In Memory of Myself and Poste Restante, not to mention a position as head of the eminent Fotoskolan academy in Stockholm, made Christer Strömholm one of Sweden’s most influential twentieth-century photographers. He differed from his colleagues in other ways, to for instance, he didn’t mind being the subject of a photograph himself. (...)

In Memory of Himself, Christer Stromholm in the eyes of his beholders de Christer Stromholm

Livres de Photographie & Monographie

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